1. Describe your target audience.
  2. What are your corporate core values, and how do you express them to your customers?
  3. What common objections do people have when they buy from you?
  4. How do you address those objections and convert prospects into satisfied buyers?
  5. What “hot points” help your customers take action?
  6. What information do your customers need in order to make an informed buying decision?
  7. What problems does your product or service solve?
  8. What sales approaches have worked in the past?
  9. What hasn’t worked?
  10. What are your other online and offline marketing efforts?
  11. What tone and feel best resonates with your customers?
  12. Who are your major competitors, and what do you feel are their stronger points over yours?
  13. Of the following metrics, which three are you most interested in improving?
    1. Visits
    1. Conversions (i.e. sales or leads)
    1. Revenue
    1. Return on ad spend
    1. Cost per conversion
    1. Conversion rate
    1. Subscribers
    1. Engagement rate